Leukemia or blood cancer is a disease that is caused due to the ferocity of the blood cells are the source or origin derived from bone marrow . Usually the signs and symptoms of blood cancer characterized by the proliferation of white blood cells that are manifested presence of cells that are not normal in the peripheral blood . The etiology of leukemia is a blood cancer is still unknown until now , but from several studies indicate the cause of leukemia is usually caused by environmental factors, radiation factors , exposure from electromagnetic and also the presence of a virus activation .

Leukemia is divided into two types namely acute leukemia and chronic leukemia . Signs and symptoms of acute leukemia blood cancer disease is usually characterized by the occurrence of a very rapid course of the disease , and lethal and can make matters worse leibih . If the disease to acute leukemia is not treated promptly , it can cause problems with the death just a matter of a few weeks or even days as well .

While the signs and symptoms of chronic leukemia blood cancer with no history of the disease took place so quickly that it can provide a longer life expectancy so .

Tests carried out to check the leukemia disease is usually done in order to know the influence of lymphocytes or lymphoid cells as well , and therefore the olh leukemia is also called lymphocytic leukemia .

Signs and symptoms of blood cancer leukemia is usually perceived differently by every sufferer . However, symptoms usually occur are :

Having trouble anemia , usually they will more quickly feel tired , pale , and also breathe faster because the red blood cells is below normal , which in turn causes oxygen deficiency in the body and cause acceleration in breathing with the aim to meet the oxygen deficiency in the body .



Bone and joint pain.

Pain that is felt in the abdomen.

Swelling of the lymph glands.

Difficulty breathing.

Complications of Blood Cancer

       Blood cancer occurs not only occur due to congenital disease or a derivative of one of the families that have a history of this disease , can also cause cancer of the blood in the background by the background of chronic diseases such as gout previously , early diabetes mellitus , blood disorders etc. .

For example, gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood , causing white blood cells contain a lot of purines and the production of white blood cells increased above the normal range .

Blood cancer treatment delayed the onset of the disease will lead to the development of complications of blood cancer acute or chronic stage will be more difficult to cure .

Complications caused by a blood cancer or leukemia are :

a. Acute leukemia is a sign of the development of blood cancers that are increasing the risk for the spread of cancer cells and disrupt blood damage other organs . The formation and development of white blood cells more widely .

b . Chronic leukemia is a disease that does not progress so quickly , but for people with chronic leukemia have a longer life expectancy , due to the care and treatment of this type of leukemia is so slow and requires a long time for the healing process . But rarely this type of leukemia patients survive because the cancer malignancy .

Causes of Blood Cancer

Leukemia is a malignant neoplasm of white blood cells  ( leukocytes ) are characterized by the proliferation of abnormal white blood cells in the bloodstream. The production of white blood cells that are still young quickly , excessive and does not work. These cells progressively berinfilitrasi into body tissues, especially the bone marrow . This resulted in the bone marrow is damaged and loses its function to make red blood cells ( erythrocytes ) normal , normal white blood cells and pleatelets . As a result of the failure to make red blood cells , it can lead to anemia . The lack of normal white blood cells can be effect decreased immunity to infection and failure of production of platelets can lead to serious bleeding .

Leukemia or can be referred to as a primary bone marrow disease . Bone marrow is always active , because the blood cells are relatively short period of his life . In children , the bones still contain all bone marrow relative . In adults , bone marrow is active hemopoetis ( blood forming ) is a short spine , vertebra , pelvis , skull , ribs and sternum . Unhindered production of a certain type of immature leukocytes in leukemia is a typical trait of cancer .

Due first is the production of other cells be pressed , resulting in a shortage of red blood cells , white blood cell types karen shortage of red blood cells , infections due to reduced immunity due to the loss of white blood cells healthy and bleeding due to blood clotting . Disruption due to shortage of platelet cells .

Increased number of white blood cells immature so excessive , so that the blood in the cornucopia and buried everywhere in the lymph tissue . This situation causes the gland limpe palpable , spleen grew double than necessary and often there is enlargement of the liver .

Signs of Blood Cancer

Everyone has the same risk with no exception vulnerability to disease of blood cancer or in medical language is called as leukemia . Cancer is the most malignant type of disease and attack cancer is generally not known , but when the cancer began to enter the advanced stage will show symptoms or traits that have been felt by the body .
Symptoms of blood cancer or leukemia is generally different leukemia cancer among others , depending on the location of the cancer cells that attack and the residual strength of the immune system to attack the cancer .

Symptoms of leukemia or blood cancer

Here is an overview of the symptoms or signs of blood cancer or leukemia , which are:

1 . Anemia
Anemia or deficiency of red blood , can be used as one of the causes and symptoms of leukemia cancer . A person suffering from anemia , generally can be seen in terms of face that looks pale , tired easily , is easy to feel dizzy and sometimes faster breathing . This is caused by a lack of red blood cells in the blood vessels because hemoglobin content is less than the normal limit . Generally, the size of a standard or normal human hemoglobin divided by gender and age , such as :

- Adult men 13.5 - 17 g / dl
- Adult women 12-15 g / dl
- Pregnant women 11-12 g / dl
- The newborn 14-24 g / dl
- Children of 11-16 g / dl

2 . Bleeding
When the blood clotting cells are not able to be produced normally caused by white blood cells than normal , then the patient will experience bleeding in the skin tissue then symptoms on the skin as red larvae and small enough in the skin tissue , similar to the symptoms of the disease dengue fever .

3 . Susceptible to infection
White blood cells have a role as a protector of the immune system in order to fight the disease , especially infectious diseases . But what happens in patients with leukemia or blood cancer is caused by the formation of white blood cells that are not normal , so that white blood cells can not work optimally in accordance with its function . As a result of this excess white blood cells the body of a leukemia patient began vulnerable to disease , infection virus / bacteria , even by itself would begin to show complaints of fever , white discharge from the nose ( runny ) but not the flu and cough .

4 . Bone and joint pain
Bone and joint pain caused by white blood cells begin to pack the bone marrow , resulting in bone marrow will be susceptible to pain .

5 . Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is one indication of the symptoms of leukemia , where the leukemia cells may collect in the kidneys , liver and bile that causes enlargement of body organs is painful . Abdominal pain can affect appetite loss of leukemia patients .

6 . Swollen glands lympa
In addition to the above symptoms , swollen glands lympa can also occur in patients with leukemia . Lympa gland swelling can occur in the armpits , neck , arm , chest and others . Lympa gland function actually has a pretty good for the body that filter the blood , but can also be used as lympa gland dump leukemia cells , which then undergo swelling .

7 . Difficulty breathing (dyspnea )
Some leukemia patients may also experience difficulty in breathing and chest pain . It is caused by decreased blood cell counts of causing oxygen not normal limits may be optimized so as to make the organ lungs and heart to experience weakness in the blood pumping and circulating blood and oxygen in the body.

Information By:keepourlive.blogspot.com

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