You need to defecate on a regular basis so that the waste products of digestion are not absorbed back into your blood . You can do some preventive ways to overcome bowel condition jammed or constipation .

When disgetion is hampered,Here are 7 steps you can do to smooth the digestive system and avoid constipation , namely :

1 . Stop snacking between meals

Do not eat a snack before you eat foods that have been completed previously digested . If the distance between breakfast , snack and lunch too little , you will experience the gastrointestinal tract and food buildup will cause constipation .

2 . Reduce consumption of processed foods

Processed foods or packaged foods have a certain shelf life and usually contain preservatives that are not good for digestive health .

3. Dehidrasi

One of the reasons constipation is because you are dehydrated . When the body is dehydrated , the large intestine is the first organ to feel the consequences . A healthy colon has a very high percentage of liquid .

You also need a body fluid from the colon to support the body's other organs . Therefore you need lots of water to drink up to 8 glasses per day .

4 . Reduce consumption of dry food

Dry foods like nuts , chips , and cookies may impede the process of digestion and cause constipation . When you eat , multiply drinking water .

5 . Diligent Exercising

Exercise can increase blood flow to the intestine and increase gastrointestinal motility . So smooth digestion and avoid constipation .

6.Stomach message

Give a gentle massage on the stomach when you're relaxing or in a state that is not a full stomach . This will make your stomach relaxed and calm so as to digest food properly .

7 . Take a deep breath

Take the time to take a deep breath , the goal is to increase blood flow to the digestive system . When breathing , calm the nervous system and you will be able to facilitate the digestive process .

Information By:keepourlive.blogspot.com

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