Cervical cancer is a type of malignancy that affects women . The main cause of cervical cancer ( cervical cancer ) is the human papilloma virus ( HPV ) or human papilloma virus . This virus was found in 77 % of women infected with HIV - positive women and the rest of it to anyone . In the world once every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer had died two minutes.
Lack of knowledge about the symptoms and signs of cervical kankers make most women do not realize . Even this cancer will affect anyone in a vulnerable age infinite . Women are not aware of when the Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) attacked him . HPV , tiny microorganisms that berukaran 55 mm and has 100 types of HPV that can infect the skin , causing warts . Viruses that multiply and survive kekabal system attacks the body that cause cervical cancer .

Early Symptoms of Cervical Cancer:

In early-stage cervical cancer symptoms are hard to find . Patients with cervical kankers infected with the virus at the beginning just like a normal woman . The medical examination with a Pap test can help detect early cervical cancer symptom . Smear tests can be done at the age of 21 years and then performed periodically every three years . At the age of 30 will be performed pap tests and HPV tests are also continuously until the age of 65 years . As for the other symptoms that lead to infection of the HPV virus are as follows :

1 . Whitish Patogonis

whitish ( flour albus ) is a discharge other than the blood of womanhood in large quantities . Meskipuun not all harmless whitish but if you experience vaginal discharge with the following characteristics , you should be aware : The release of large amounts of fluid , liquid turns into a thick , foul -smelling , abnormal colored ( yellowish , greenish , brownish ) , Arise burning sensation and itching in the area of ​​femininity whitish with traits need serious attention , consult with a specialist obygn .

2 . Pain in the area of ​​femininity

The pain that strikes feminine area caused due to human papilloma virus ( HPV ) has been developing and disrupt the body's immunity so that the resulting lower abdominal pain , sore appears on the thighs, pelvic pain persendiaan during menstruation , pain when defecating and pain when having intercourse .

3 . Bleeding

Most women perceive that the bleeding that occurs due to abnormal menstrual cycles , but need to watch out if the blood drop out from your feminine area often and take place regularly hence should consult a doctor immediately .

4 . Painful urination

Bladder infected with the virus will result in the patient having pain urination is a symptom of cervical cancer entered an advanced stage .

5 . Arising pain and bleeding during Make Love (ML)

Menggonta frequently changing partners in high-risk ML intercourse lead to cervical cancer . When ML frequently ill and bleeds caused by infection of the cervix severe .

6 . Decreased appetite

Decreased appetite decreased immunity caused so prone to stress , excessive anxiety , and interfere with energy . Moreover , this is a sign of the onset of symptoms of cervical cancer .

7 . Swelling in the legs

When you experience leg swelling for no reason , maybe this series of signs of cervical cancer -causing virus to attack your body .

8 . Tired fast

Fatigue which means that you are infected with HPV that cause fatigue without attacking your leisure time .

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