Keepourlive--Who among us have never felt a headache? Surely you've all felt it, ranging from mild headaches to severe headaches are extremely disturbing quality of life. The cause headaches almost largely unknown. Apparently you feel headaches can also be caused by the food you eat.
Here are some foods and drinks that can trigger the onset of headaches:
1. Alcohol
Alcohol contained in the beverage can cause an increase in blood flow to the brain and causing dehydration, these two conditions can trigger a headache. The content sulfiat used as a preservative in red wine also allegedly trigger migraine.
2. Seasonings
Monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is often found in the Seasoning has been shown to lead to complaints of stomach cramps, diarrhea and severe headaches in migraine sufferers 10-15. Flavorings containing nitrates can cause dilation of the blood vessels of the brain, causing headaches. Chinese restaurant syndrome is a syndrome that used to be known due to the high levels of MSG, symptoms appear within an hour after consuming MSG and can cause symptoms such as feeling depressed in the chest or head, burning sensation in the chest, neck and shoulders, dizziness and abdominal pain.
3. Cold Food
Cold foods can cause headaches in some people. These incidents most often occur when you eat cold foods like ice cream after experiencing exercise-induced heat or hot temperatures. Pain is usually felt in the forehead peaked at 25-60 seconds and last up to 2 minutes. Nearly 90% reported migraine sufferers are sensitive to ice cream and cold food.
4. Junk Foods
The content of nitrate and nitrite preservatives contained in foods such as hot dogs, bacon, nuggets, and so forth can cause dilation of blood vessels and trigger headaches in some people. In addition, processed foods also have a high tyramine levels that can trigger a headache.
The experts advise to make notes such food diary foods cause headaches, avoid foods that can trigger headaches, nutritious and healthy food consumption, and most importantly, to avoid delaying a meal.
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