Keepourlive--Eat and drink is an activity that is important for living beings. however, eating and drinking is a fundamental activity that ensures the survival of a species. even without realizing it, sometimes we do bad habits for health. Eat and drink habits that are less well could pose health risks such as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a disorder that occurs as a result of stomach acid up into the esophagus and cause discomfort in the neck. The disorder is often confused with a throat sore or other complaints.

Eat or Drink habit that can be Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
1. Drink alcohol
Drank more than 60 grams of alcohol per day increases the risk of mouth cancer and throat cancer. In addition, alcohol consumption may increase the risk of acid reflux into the throat (GERD). Because alcohol has a specific effect such as increasing the production of stomach acid and reduce the pressure valve between the stomach and throat so that the liquid was easier to raises.
2. Smoke
If the alcohol consumption habits coupled with the habit of smoking or tobacco use increases the risk of cancer of the mouth and throat cancer 3.2-9.2 times greater.
3. Coffee
Coffee consumption can increase the risk of gastric cancer
4. Foods with high fat
Foods with high fat consumption is not recommended for patients with a history of GERD. For foods with a high fat slows gastric emptying that can trigger stomach acid up into the esophagus.
5. Oranges and tomatoes
Oranges and tomatoes are not recommended for patients with a history of GERD consumed. Oranges and tomatoes trigger stomach acid that rises to the throat
6. Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated beverages are trigger GERD. Carbonated beverages have a specific work to valve of the stomach and throat that can decreased the pressure valve so the stomach acid was easier to raises.

But on the other side, there are foods that can help decreased throat disorders, especially the threat of throat cancer. Here's more:

1. Fruits

Consumption of fruit - fresh fruit will reduce the risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

2. Vegetables

Vegetable consumption also reduces the risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

3. Hot tea

Consumption of hot tea more than 1 cup per day will reduce the risk of throat cancer. Not much different with hot tea, iced tea consumption was not shown to have the potential to cause cancer of the throat.

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