Keepourlive--Many say that hair is a measure of the overall health of a person. Therefore, hair loss can be a big problem for women and men. Because if this happens continuously, baldness is no longer inevitable. Not only baldness, hair loss, which is more common in women-was also closely associated with mild to severe anemia!

Related hair loss with anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the hemoglobin (Hb) and red blood cells is less than normal (low). This type of anemia associated with hair loss is iron deficiency anemia which anemia caused by low iron levels in the blood.

According to a 2007 study conducted in 5210 women of 35-60 years, approximately 57% of women who experience severe hair loss had higher levels of iron in the blood is to low. They also suffer from anemia.

Ferritin is an iron storage in the blood that play a role in hair growth. Hair follicles contain ferritin. If ferritin levels in the hair follicles falls, hair growth is also affected. As a result, the hair becomes easy to fall off.

How to cure it?

Before assuming that hair loss experienced is the result of anemia, it is necessary to perform a physical examination and research (laboratory) by a doctor. This test aims to assess levels of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, ferritin (iron storage), iron binding cacacity (TIBC), and iron serum. If the results indicate that you are suffering from anemia, here are some tips you can do:
  • Eating foods that are rich in iron such as meat, liver, whole grains, green vegetables, nuts, seafood, and so on.
  • Consuming foods rich in vitamin C to help iron absorption.
  • Avoid coffee and caffeine, such as tea, as it can inhibit the absorption of iron.
  • You can take iron supplements, according to the doctor's. Avoid drinking himself prescribed without consulting your doctor because it may cause dangerous side effects dose.

The cause of hair loss is much, not only anemia. But if it is true that you have anemia, you should immediately consult a doctor to find the cause. Iron deficiency anemia is easily treated with diet and appropriate treatment. Taking care of health conditions, so that your body and your hair healthy. Because it is true, the condition of hair can describe the state of health of a person.

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